See the latest non-fiction books by David Alan Armstrong.
This is the story of how Jesus Christ has impacted my life today just as He impacted the lives of those who walked with Him two thousand years ago.
I was converted initially not to Christ but to Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. My search for and conversion to Christ did not come until later in my life. I recount in the book how my recognition of my need for a Savior and of Jesus as that Savior came about.
The structure of the book follows the chronology of the Gospel of Matthew. My focus is not on the sermons and preaching of Jesus, but on his actions. I state in the introduction that I believe every act of Christ was intentional and designed to reinforce his teachings. Rather than discuss Jesus’s parables, I discuss His life as a series of informative, living parables.
Each chapter quotes a selection of verses from Matthew that describes an event in the ministry of Jesus. I analyze the event to put it in context and to elaborate on the meanings that can be derived from what Jesus did. I then make a personal application of what I learned from the scripture. Usually I relate a story of how I have seen the principle played out in my life. Sometimes I can only describe how I want the principle to work in my daily strivings for greater conversion.
Jesus is as powerful today as when He walked the earth. He changed the lives of His followers two millennia ago, and He's still changing the lives of His followers today. Join my journey as I learn to walk with the Master.
This book is a compilation of selected verses from the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Accompanying each verse is a thought and comment to expound on what this scripture means to me.
I do not intend this work as a doctrinal dissertation but as a collection of inspirational messages of hope, comfort, faith, strength, and grace. The fullness of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is contained in the Book of Mormon. It testifies of Jesus as the Redeemer on every page. I have highlighted only a few verses that reflect the depth and richness of the Doctrine of Christ and the glorious principles of His gospel.
The Book of Mormon is the keystone of the religion of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My hope for this book is that it will inspire both those who are completely familiar with the Book of Mormon and those who perhaps have never opened its pages. The selected verses will feel like old friends to those who have studied this volume of scripture, and the accompanying commentary may spur new thoughts and different perspectives.
To those not yet acquainted with the Book of Mormon, these passages may serve as an introduction to the vastness of truths contained in God's word to us in our day.
In any case, I want to share my love of the Book of Mormon, my testimony of its truthfulness and authenticity, and my love of the Savior and Redeemer of the world, Jesus Christ, who is the central figure in the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.
The Book of Isaiah in the Old Testament strikes fear into the hearts of many readers of the Bible. It is impenetrable, enigmatic, and indecipherable. Yet within these "hard sayings," the Christian student finds beautiful testimony of the coming Messiah, fulfilled to the letter by the Lord Jesus Christ. Indeed, Jesus himself quoted many sentiments from Isaiah's prophetic words.
To respond to the Master's call to "Come, follow me," should we not study what He studied and learn what He learned?
Like a mountaineer looking at the peak of Mount Everest, I wanted to scale the chapters of Isaiah for many years but assumed it was impossible. Then one day I decided I was going to do it. I grabbed some metaphorical ropes, slipped a couple of tanks of oxygen into my backpack, tied on my crampons, and started at base camp of chapter 1.
With guides and Sherpas to help along the way, I began to scramble over up the rocky slopes. Most importantly, however, I tethered myself to Jesus Christ and took courage from the words of a prophet who had already made the assent: "My soul delighteth in [Isaiah's] words," wrote the Prophet Nephi, and "I write some of the words of Isaiah, that whoso of my people shall see these words may lift up their hearts and rejoice" (See Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 11:2, 8). I wanted to rejoice with Nephi and delight in the words he thought were so profound.
As I read, I took notes of things I learned, impressions I had, ideas that came to mind, and doctrines that stood out. The deeper I got into my study, the sweeter, more hopeful, and more joyful the messages of Isaiah became to me. After a year of careful, verse-by-verse pondering and studying, I compiled this book to capture my thoughts and the marvelous pearls I had found. I learned for myself to delight in Isaiah's words and to lift up my heart and rejoice in his writings.
I want to share what I have learned with others in the hope that my readers will see the vistas I saw from the summit and will want to make the assent themselves.The joy is not in watching another person climb, but in making one's own trek and to see the magnificent scenery along the way.
I invite all students of the scriptures to read Isaiah. Find your own path, learn your own way, and see what Isaiah has to say to you. My words are not the answer of all answers but merely encouragement to strike out on your own and see how marvelous the journey is.